Monday, 26 October 2015


As the Halloween festivities are starting to get into full swing, I still stop every now and then to think about the rise in popularity of this American cultural tradition in Australia. It seems every year over the past five years or so its popularity has doubled, at least. Now there are stores dedicated to selling all sorts of related merchandise and the supermarkets have also caught on and are selling Halloween produce and wares.

Yes, the commercialisation of this festivity gripes a little but there's a lot of good that comes from it too. I enjoy creating traditions with my family and finding a way to celebrate Halloween that fits in with our lifestyle and interests. Not surprisingly, a lot of our focus relates to craft and decorating our home. Baking, too. We usually try to make biscuits or something that's not overloaded with sugar - and, again, is about not buying into the celebration, but creating our own activities related to the day. I also want to create these great fruit treats this year.

Most of our crafts are paper-based and recyclable - as in get used for a few years in a row. A little like Christmas decorations. We made the bats and spiders last year using chalk on black paper. More recently we created these spiderwebs, and will share a few more of our projects this week.

It's also lovely walking around the neighbourhood with our children and getting to meet and talk to some neighbours that we don't always see that often. And, of course, there's a great atmosphere of celebration on the streets with all the children walking around dressed up in their costumes. As I said, it's not all bad at all. 

How do you and your family celebrate Halloween? 

image the indigo crew

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