Wednesday, 16 March 2016


The four-year-old has recently started to enjoy longer narratives. A couple of months ago she wanted to start listening to chapter books, just like her older brother. 

Initially we started with an Enid Blyton book that she had received as a gift - More Wishing-Chair Stories. It seemed perfectly suited to her. She often talks about sliding down rainbows, and this one has characters that get to do this! It's also about fairies and pixies, and having a playroom at the bottom of a garden. The stories held her attention and were a great introduction to longer narratives. With a picture every couple of pages, it's a hybrid between a picture and chapter book.

Once we finished this book, we started to read one that had been on her bookshelf for a little while. It was a second-hand book that I had picked up at a vintage store, attracted to the cover. There is an inscription inside that is dated 1938. For its age, it's in great condition and many of the stories are just as interesting and entertaining as they would have been all those years ago. I did try to find a link to this particular title but was just deluged with "popular story books" rather than the actual book itself. However, it's worth keeping an eye out for second-hand books with short stories.

Her current read is Sophie's Misfortunes - part of The Fleurville Trilogy. This was another gift, and one that she has thumbed through many times over the years. But now we get to enjoy the story. Sophie is four, which of course has its own appeal, and comes up with crazy ideas about what she wants to do. For example, her mother gave her a tea set and she wanted to drink "real" tea when her friends came over. But her mother said, no. Undeterred, Sophie went out and got some water from the dog's bowl and chalk for sugar and mixed it with clover leaves. When her friends came to visit and drank it, they said it was disgusting. These stories hold our four-year-old's attention and she comments on them. To this story she said, "She should listen to her mummy a bit more, shouldn't she." Every night she asks to read two chapters. At the end of them she's quite tired, as there's a lot of listening involved, but she really enjoys the book.

images the indigo crew

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