Friday, 30 January 2015


Something I used to love making as a child was "perfume". This usually meant picking up fallen rose petals from my garden and some of the others on my street and swishing them around in a tub of water. It kept me busy and happy for hours. When I had a bunch of rose petals leftover from a photo shoot recently I didn't want to waste them and thought it might be fun to make some perfume with the girls.

Note: There are a few different ways to do this. Some involve using alcohol or oil, which I didn't want to do with children involved. This project is more about having a little fun; playing with flowers, learning about their fragrance and keeping little hands busy. However, I did see one recipe to make rose water using petals, which I hope to do one day. It's lovely to sprinkle on your pillow.

Rose petals
Chopping board
2 glass jars with lids
Tea towel or similar
Vessels to hold "perfume"

1. Collect petals from flowers and divide into half. Chop one group and place into a glass jar with lid.
2. The second group place in another jar or bowl and cover with water. Cover with a lid or cling wrap.
3. Store both jars in a warm, dry place overnight.
4. The next day place a tea towel over a jug and large pouring container. Place the dry leaves onto the fabric first then pour the water solution over the top. Allow to drain. 
5. Now you have "perfume" - pour into a jar, and if want to (like my little one did) add a few extra petals for colour and fragrance.

images the indigo crew

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