Wednesday, 4 November 2015


Amelia Fullarton has fast become a go-to photographer in the beautiful area of Byron Bay. She’s known for her portraiture work - mainly for weddings and also with children. But she’s also gaining quite a following for capturing her own sweet family - two girls Arlo and Agnes - in and around their beachside home. Amelia is originally from Sydney though. She grew up on the outskirts - in Dural. Her family had land there and she and her sister rode horses growing up, and had a real taste of country life. About seven years ago Amelia moved to Byron after travelling through Europe with some of her best friends. “We just didn’t want the holiday to be over,” she says. “Byron was the next best thing. I’d like to eventually settle in the hinterland, on some land so the girls can enjoy what I had. I love the simplicity country life has to offer.”
Because Amelia’s youngest daughter is still a newborn, she is enjoying some time out from her busy wedding photography schedule. Once Agnes is a little bigger though, she anticipates having to work a lot at night while the girls sleep. “The juggle is tough and like most working mums some days I feel really stressed,” she says. “But I’m one of those people who loves the chaos of family life; I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

1 As a child I used to wear… the same outfit every day. Well, at least I tried. Mum said I used to cry when it was getting washed then go down to the clothesline to wait and watch while it dried.

2 My bedroom was… painted more times then I can count. Now I’m a parent, looking back I love how relaxed my folks were about it all. Pink, blue, different shades of purple. It was amazing; I realise now how that creative freedom is just so great for young children.

3 When I was a teenager I used to… be trouble. Having two girls, I’m already having serious concerns about what we might be in for!

4 After high school I wanted to be… an interior designer. I studied at Enmore in Sydney, straight after high school.

5 A seminal moment was… most definitely when Arlo, my first daughter, was born or more so that first year of her life. I was finishing up a degree with a newborn and starting to apply for jobs within that field. Every interview l went to - and there were a few - l walked out feeling like absolute crap, like l knew l wasn’t going to get it. My heart wasn’t in it and if l did get a job, I’d have to work five days to earn enough to pay for daycare and miss out on watching my daughter grow up. It’s this sad reality for women that we are faced with now, to be able to live off one income is tough and we feel pressure to wear many hats. I knew l had to find what it was l loved to do. l’d take photos of Arlo on my little film cameras and these images would bring me so much joy but l couldn’t think of one person who would take some “non-cheesy” photos of my family. l thought l could do this for people; l would love to do this for people. I guess it grew from there. Thanks to her, l pushed myself out of my comfort zone. l had someone l needed to think of now that was more important to me than myself and that can make a woman do some pretty powerful stuff.  

6 I never thought I would… be the first out of my friends to have children. I fell in love with my partner when I was 21 and was pregnant with our first daughter at 23. Before I met him I never imagined this is where l would be. l loved the freedom of being single, the travelling and boozy nights. But l’ve found a great man and l’ll willingly give up all my boozy nights for breastfeeds in bed. Ha!

7 I’ve learnt to… not be too hard on myself. Well, at least I’m trying. It’s a real struggle for me to never feel like I’m doing good enough. Whether that be with work or being a mother. For my work it’s important that l be critical so I can improve but some days I think I just need to pat myself on the back and say, “hey, you’re doin' okay!”. 

8 I know… that this life is short. That we live in an incredible country where anything is possible. I hope my kids never lose perspective on just how lucky they are for those reasons alone.

9 I share because… there’s something l really enjoy about documenting life, especially the good moments. I know a lot of people say it gets a bit too much all the pretty pictures but for me not so much. I try not to take it too seriously, all you have to do is pick up a newspaper or switch on your television to see how much war and sadness there is in this world. For me, if l can share what might just be a moment of happiness in my day then it’s worth sharing. Cause we all know it aint’ always peaches and cream, behind every pretty picture is a pile of mess. 

10 If I had an unexpected morning to myself I would… read, go for a drive, take a long walk without any rush to get home, be lazy, drink champagne, go to breakfast and order pancakes - knowing they aren’t going to get eaten by someone other then myself - have a proper conversation with all of my best friends without being interrupted every five minutes. I could keep going but l might bore you.

image courtesy of amelia fullarton 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting. And thanks Amelia for the insight into your life. I have been following you on Instagram since Arlo was a newborn and I just love your pictures. Michelle
