Friday, 28 August 2015


When the preschooler asked to have a fairy party, I immediately thought it would be fun to include craft activities. Almost from the start, I wanted to get the children to make their own wings. This would keep them occupied, I hoped.  But I really wanted them to get involved, and to make it easy and enjoyable for them. I also wasn't keen on getting out paint or glue, if it could be helped.

After chatting with my friend Belinda Graham of The Happy Home Blog, she gave me the idea to use clear sticky paper, such as Con-Tact, for covering books. After a little more research on Pinterest, I decided to make the wing frame from wire. When out sourcing I spotted white wire coat hangers and this seemed like a good solution.

Each wing set was created from two coat hangers bent into shape and then twisted into the centre to hold them together. Elastic was knotted onto the wings so the children could put them on and off themselves.

Four templates were created for the wings. A top and bottom left and right. The bottom wings were cut larger to be  able to fold over and secure over the wire.

The wings were prepared the night before the party so that we were ready to go once the girls arrived.

Adults needed to apply the sticky paper but then the girls were left free to create their flower arrangements.

When finished, the top layer of sticky clear paper was placed on top.

Each girl created quite a different design from the other.

Because we had estimated the length of the elastic the night before without a fitting model, some of them were too short. We added two long white pieces of ribbon - bowed into hoops - so they could wear the wings comfortably.

Four days later and the flowers are still looking quite fresh. The flower fairy wings are a hit.

images the indigo crew

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