Wednesday, 24 August 2016


Years ago I read about a man who wrote a letter to his son every year and sealed the note in an envelope for it to be opened when he was a grown man. I thought this was a lovely tradition. And I started it with my son. But then life got in the way and I wasn't able to keep it up. But it has always stuck with me. 

However, without even realising it I have started our own tradition, which is much easier to manage. It's a simple idea but one that I hope will be appreciated in years to come.

Every year I write a long note on each of the children's birthday cards. I've never been the sort of person to write just a brief message but with them it takes up an entire card and is perhaps about 300-500 words long. 

I reflect on the changes in their personality since their last birthday, their milestones and interests and comment on how they relate to their siblings, and the changes in our family's circumstances - moves and holidays, etc. They always enjoy when I read it to them on the morning of their birthday and I hold onto them for them to re-read when they are older.

And for these cards I enjoy using special ones that can decorate their walls. One year I got each of them a card/mask from TMOD. This year I was taken with the illustrations by Cat Lee on cards from UncleBearskin Productions

images the indigo crew

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