Thursday, 11 August 2016


No matter how busy the day, and noisy the dinner, story time is always our quiet time. Quality time. Generally it is a one-on-one experience between one parent and one child. Although sometimes another child might listen on.

However, because they are at different levels of interest and understanding, they tend to play while someone else's book is being read.

These are some of the books that we're reading at the moment.

We had tried to read The Neverending Story a couple of times before and it didn't hold his interest. However, we explained that sometimes you need to stick with a book for number of pages before it gets interesting. This time around, once he got into the main story, he was hooked. The first part is the story of a boy going into a bookshop and finding the book of the same title. Once we got to the part of the land of Fantasica the eight-year-old really engaged with the story.

This year she has started to enjoy chapter books. At first we did The Magic Faraway Tree and then Heidi, which were both well enjoyed. Now we have moved onto our Roald Dahl collection. First up was The BFG, as she recently saw the movie, and now we are reading one of my favourite books, Fantastic Mr Fox

Her attention span is getting better with picture books. She enjoys ones that have an element of repetition. Or the illustrations engage her. We go through stages of reading different books every night and then other times we might read the same two books every night for a week or so. At the moment we're reading We're Going on a Bear Hunt, which both my other children loved too (although her older sister went through a stage of being scared of the bear) and How to Hide a Lion. She likes this because it references The Tiger Who Came To Tea, which we have been reading a lot recently too.

It's always good to get other book ideas, so if you're reading something that your little ones love, please share.

Throw available here.
Cushion available here.

images the indigo crew

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